Nightfall Treatment
This also identified as nocturnal emission i.e. an involuntary discharge of semen during sleep. This is also known as nightfall. In dream one feels that some beautiful woman along side and doing sexual act with her and this leads to semen discharge.
In the beginning he awakens immediately at the time of discharge. But slowly he is much in grip of this ailment that he fails to notice when he discharged the semen in sleep. Nightfall mostly occurs at night but often it happens in the day also. Rare discharges are not harmful, but frequent nightfall, undoubtedly affects one’s health. This leads to other disorders as well so it is necessary to consult for proper medication to stop this ailment. It is also advised that do not read pornographic literature, not to indulge in vulgar talks, not to see nude photographs, not to imagine fantasies, which arouses their sexual feeling. This problem is rampant in every part of the world but don’t lose heart.
Night discharge is a condition where an individual experience ejaculation of semen during sleep. It is also known as”wet dream”, an involuntary orgasm, or simply an orgasm during sleep.
Night discharges are common during teenage and early adulthood . However, night discharge may happen at any age. They may or may not be associated with erotic dreams . Some males will wake during the ejaculation, while others will sleep through the event.
Causes The exact cause of night discharge is not known. Some individual think that night discharges are the direct result of the stimulation caused by either erotic dreams or memories of waking sexual activities.. However, there has been little experimental evidence to support this theory, and many men claim to have had Night discharge without erotic dreams. Another common theory is that wet dreams are the way the body through away excess of semen, while scientifically it is not proved. Night discharge provide a kind of physiological safety valve for sexual tension.
Frequency The frequency of night discharge is highly variable. Some men may have many numbers of night discharge as teenagers, while some men never experience one in their lives. Men who experience wet dreams more or less frequently than others, usually do not have any sort of disease or problem. Some have them only at a certain age, while others have them throughout their life.
Dr Rahman Clinic had a cure for Nightfall
Dr Rahman Clinic herbal medicine provide best nightfall treatment simply because they not only prevent semen ejaculation while you are sleeping but also had no side effects. By our Herbal treatment for the recommended time period cure your nightfall problem & also help you to overcome from side effect of Nightfall. Additionally it increases you control over ejaculating semen during intercourse. Another great advantage of this our herbal medicine is it will also improve the quality of your sleep, so that you wake up in the morning all fresh and re- energized.
- Herbal & 100% Natural
- Tested by Millions of Patients
- Free form any type of chemical
- Remove deficiencies like Nightfall
- Zero side effects
- Specialized Counseling